Search results

  1. EliteFuZioNHD

    Approved Blackbear0507's Punishment Appeal

    It does clearly state in rule 11 and especially 12 that Griefing and Stealing are ban worthy although due to your clean track record prior to this I'll reduce your ban from its 10 day sentence down to a 3 day one. Furthermore please be sure to read all the rules before continuing with...
  2. EliteFuZioNHD

    Blackbear0507's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Blackbear0507 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Ultimate Reloaded Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 10days Evidence Other Notes Player was in possession of stolen drives, when owners were questioned about the type and amount of drives they knew both.
  3. EliteFuZioNHD

    BenjaCook's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) BenjaCook Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 10 days Evidence Other Notes Player stole drives that were recovered from another theft for a player along with other items from the base.
  4. EliteFuZioNHD

    CraftAWayYT's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) CraftAWayYT Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Veinmining the End Ban Length 1d Evidence Other Notes I have signs at the start of the end saying not to veinmine
  5. EliteFuZioNHD

    MaxBlaster2's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) MaxBlaster2 Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Veinmining the End Ban Length 1d Evidence Other Notes I have signs at the start of the end saying not to veinmine
  6. EliteFuZioNHD

    CatholicNun, WannaBeMyAgent's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) CatholicNun, WannaBeMyAgent Server(s) where incidents have occurred Unabriged Ban Reason Greifing,Stealing, PvP Bypass Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Players had a taglock of Victim and his friend in their ME,
  7. EliteFuZioNHD

    SlDTheSIoth's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) SlDTheSIoth Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Veinmining the End Ban Length 1d Evidence
  8. EliteFuZioNHD

    Crundee Craft - can't find infused ores

    A good place to start looking is higher levels in the Deep Dark.
  9. EliteFuZioNHD

    sezmarque, ryanbigbubble's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) sezmarque, ryanbigbubble Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing Ban Length 12 days Evidence Other Notes
  10. EliteFuZioNHD

    Branden__'s Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Branden__ Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes The screenshots speak for themselves, player stole me drives that were recovered from previous griefs by staff for the owner in a chest labeled.
  11. EliteFuZioNHD

    NeXuS_3883, Thelengand27's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) NeXuS_3883, Thelengand27 Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing (In NeXuS_3883's case claiming another players base as well) Ban Length 10 days Evidence Other Notes Players are grouped together and raided at the same time and...
  12. EliteFuZioNHD

    x_Awesome_Dom_x's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) x_Awesome_Dom_x Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Player had been previously banned for greifing and stealing and Warned by myself to not do it again. Sure enough player had a charm...
  13. EliteFuZioNHD

    kasper_ellingsen, weaboowill, hoddedDARKNESS's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) kasper_ellingsen, weaboowill, hoddedDARKNESS Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing Ban Length 10 days Evidence Other Notes Players were griefing when i found them and I warned all 3 of them. They continued to grief even after...
  14. EliteFuZioNHD

    HunterWarren's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) HunterWarren Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Player was warned and then banned for 5 days, the day their ban expired they were found to be griefing from the same base they were banned...
  15. EliteFuZioNHD

    ittybittykraken's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) ittybittykraken Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Duping Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes I caught player mid duping and watched them, they then gave full draconic equipment to another player with me banning directly after. As seen...
  16. EliteFuZioNHD

    HunterWarren's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) HunterWarren Server(s) where incidents have occurred Crundee Craft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing Ban Length 5 days Evidence As for the Inserting into the ME this was for the player crafting items with the owners items contained within Other Notes Player was warned by...
  17. EliteFuZioNHD

    Trev2468, nickkim8's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Trev2468, nickkim8 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Crundee Craft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing Ban Length 10 days Evidence Other Notes Warning was given and yet stealing continued
  18. EliteFuZioNHD

    uberman22 Temp mute

    Name: uberman22 Server:CC Reason: Spamming same phrase even after asked to stop by myself and 2 other players. Time:5minutes Updated new time:30min Update Notes: Player started spamming again after mute ran out even when asked to stop.
  19. EliteFuZioNHD

    ChiksWDiks's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) ChiksWDiks Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Racism and Swearing Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Player joined and instantly started swearing and throwing profanities culminating in racism
  20. EliteFuZioNHD

    GoldOfCube's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) GoldOfCube Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Raiding/Stealing Ban Length 5days Evidence Other Notes When confronted about raiding player refused to respond while still moving in game, Player was warned a day prior after I discovered a very...