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  1. EliteFuZioNHD

    XxEpicGamerxX38's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) XxEpicGamerxX38 Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Grief/Theft Ban Length 3days Evidence
  2. EliteFuZioNHD

    Can't join the server

    Depends on what launcher you're using
  3. EliteFuZioNHD

    Describe the member above you in one word

    RuleBreaker Only use 1 word
  4. EliteFuZioNHD

    I haven't posted one of these before but it was a real nice event to get accepted into the Nytro...

    I haven't posted one of these before but it was a real nice event to get accepted into the Nytro Staff even if I'm only a Jr. Mod ATM. Hopefully I'll work my way up and be able to help out any of you in need. :D
  5. EliteFuZioNHD

    Chunk Loader

    The chunk loaders that are for sale only work while said player is online. So your suggesting that it be always active while the server is up?
  6. EliteFuZioNHD

    Rank problem

    The old rank system was done away with when the network switched to Nytro. The new ranks are subscription based, not a 1 time purchase.
  7. EliteFuZioNHD


    Pretty corny joke there.
  8. EliteFuZioNHD

    Describe the member above you in one word

    Captain BTW the game is 1 word, not 3...
  9. EliteFuZioNHD

    Crundee Craft people only

  10. EliteFuZioNHD

    Hello, Again...

    Heyyo people, Some of you may remember me(or not at all). I played a lot during the spring and summer but had to stop due to schoolwork. I feel that I have a good grasp on said work to allow myself to rejoin and play some more Nytro. Keep on Crafting, Elite_FuZioN_HD
  11. EliteFuZioNHD

    Power of base claims?

    I had a question on how powerful the base claims on the CrundeeCraft server are. I understand players cannot break but can mobs still break blocks or is it not possible for them?