Search results

  1. EliteFuZioNHD

    Approved Phil Eggtree's Punishment Appeal

    I will accept this appeal however I will question your decisions heavily. Why would you steal from a chest that is labeled "Steal from this and I will ban you"? I would assume this would persuade people to expect punishment if they do steal from it. As said in other appeals, This is your only...
  2. EliteFuZioNHD

    1ne2wo3hree4our's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) 1ne2wo3hree4our Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason duping Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Specific screenshots of the dupe method are retracted to avoid exploit but can be produced upon mod request if needed.
  3. EliteFuZioNHD

    Approved Milky's Punishment Appeal

    Upon discussion with other staff I decided to reduce your ban from perm down to a 2 day ban. Please try to not grief or claim another players base in the future.
  4. EliteFuZioNHD

    Milky0519's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Milky0519 Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing/Griefing, Claiming Player's Base Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes
  5. EliteFuZioNHD

    ImMatsS's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) ImMatsS Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Extensive Griefing/Stealing, PvP Bypass Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Grief was spread across 4 bases, roughly 8 players. No appeal due to the amount of rules broken and the extent of grief
  6. EliteFuZioNHD

    trollcraft tps issue

    The best way to get into touch with staff about issues like this is to message in #help on the discord. Doing so tends to get more frequent replies
  7. EliteFuZioNHD

    Approved PhantomWolf2002's Punishment Appeal

    You just recently joined CC and already have a mark on your record and you will have to deal with the loss of credibility that comes with this mark. I will gift you the chance to return, this time, however as you stated, This will be your ONLY second chance, any other infractions will not be...
  8. EliteFuZioNHD

    Hello im StormtheWolf

    Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy your time on Nytro.
  9. EliteFuZioNHD

    PhantomWolf2002, Phil_Eggtree's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) PhantomWolf2002, Phil_Eggtree Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Mass Grief and Stealing Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Players were teamed together and raided many bases and chests with clear warnings.
  10. EliteFuZioNHD

    aceflyerjo's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) aceflyerjo Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Veinmining the end Ban Length 1day Evidence Other Notes
  11. EliteFuZioNHD

    I need help

    Are you on the discord? If so it would be much easier to discuss this problem in the #help channel where most of the staff watch for people that need help.
  12. EliteFuZioNHD

    Approved epicboss2020's Punishment Appeal

    I accepted your friends appeal hoping they would do better in the future and I will do the same with you. However you were both responsible for your actions and any more infractions on your part will be met with the same response I declared in xxepicgamerxx38's appeal. Approved.
  13. EliteFuZioNHD

    zombiepigman7, Tobias_Maximus's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) zombiepigman7, Tobias_Maximus Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing/Griefing Ban Length perm Evidence Other Notes This ban can be appealed however due to the number of griefs and stealing it will remain perm until an appeal is accepted
  14. EliteFuZioNHD

    Denied _ThePizzaKing_'s Punishment Appeal

    Your teammate had asked me if stealing from unclaimed bases was allowed to which I responded "No" but you griefed the base without waiting. Furthermore the rules do clearly state "Do not steal from ANYONE" and "Unclaimed Griefing: If it looks like a player base do not steal from it or destroy...
  15. EliteFuZioNHD

    _ThePizzaKing_'s Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) _ThePizzaKing_ Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing Ban Length 10 days Evidence Other Notes
  16. EliteFuZioNHD

    Approved xXEpicGamerXx38's Punishment Appeal

    After some deliberation I have decided to approve this appeal. I am under the impression that sometimes time is the thing needed to change someone. However this is your only second chance, any more breaking of rules will be met with a perm ban that will not be appeal-able so please keep that in...
  17. EliteFuZioNHD

    Red_Devil2002's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Red_Devil2002 Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 5days Evidence Other Notes: The chest contained drives recovered from another thief for the owner, It had the ban warning next to it and the player stole them anyways.
  18. EliteFuZioNHD

    BenjyNoot's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) BenjyNoot Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 12 days Evidence Other Notes Player was trusted on the claim and proceeded to steal the claim owner's ME drives
  19. EliteFuZioNHD

    FrolicEmperor's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) FrolicEmperor Server(s) where incidents have occurred Unabridged Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes: Appeal is permitted and perhaps encouraged however due to the volume of items stolen ban will be perm until an appeal is heard.
  20. EliteFuZioNHD

    Ch1llz_'s Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Ch1llz_ Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Veinming the End Ban Length 3 days Evidence Other Notes Player remarked that they were only finding minicio in the end at which point I found them veinmining the main end island. After asking if...