Search results

  1. TheOnlyOneLeft

    Fatel ban report

    Name of Offender(s) Fatel Server(s) where incidents occured Unabridged Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 4 Days Evidence Other notes
  2. TheOnlyOneLeft

    iPoshoPVP, DvaIsWaifu ban report

    Name of Offender(s) iPoshoPVP, DvaIsWaifu Server(s) where incidents occured DireWolf20 Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  3. TheOnlyOneLeft

    NickNotNick ban report

    Name of Offender(s) NickNotNick Server(s) where incidents occured The Golden Cobblestone Ban Reason Using Exploits Ban Length Permanent Evidence Other notes Player has rigged the tank to make infinite enderium blocks. Ban carried out by Griffin4Cats
  4. TheOnlyOneLeft

    AlphaRay2k16 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) AlphaRay2k16 Server(s) where incidents occured Crainercraft Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 5 Days Evidence Other notes Player has been banned in the past for Griefing and Stealing. Player was permitted to enter but not to take anything.
  5. TheOnlyOneLeft

    AlphaRay2k16 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) AlphaRay2k16 Server(s) where incidents occured Crainercraft Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  6. TheOnlyOneLeft

    NiNjA_WhiteFang ban report

    Name of Offender(s) NiNjA_WhiteFang Server(s) where incidents occured The Golden Cobblestone Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes Player claims to not have been near a Slime Island within the past 2 months, However logs show he...
  7. TheOnlyOneLeft

    JamesWes ban report

    Name of Offender(s) JamesWes Server(s) where incidents occured Sky Factory 2.5 Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  8. TheOnlyOneLeft

    Astrons ban report

    Name of Offender(s) Astrons Server(s) where incidents occured The Golden Cobblestone Ban Reason Unclaimed Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  9. TheOnlyOneLeft

    Gwyl ban report

    Name of Offender(s) Gwyl Server(s) where incidents occured Direwolf 20 Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  10. TheOnlyOneLeft

    rubio2 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) rubio2 Server(s) where incidents occured CrundeeCraft 2 Ban Reason Griefing, Stealing, and Harassing Players Ban Length 1 Week Evidence Other notes Player has been known for messing with other players. Has been temp banned in the past.
  11. TheOnlyOneLeft

    rubio2 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) rubio2 Server(s) where incidents occured CrundeeCraft 2 Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes Player has been known for using inappropriate language in chat.
  12. TheOnlyOneLeft

    uJTora ban report

    Name of Offender(s) uJTora Server(s) where incidents occured Project Ozone 2 Ban Reason Duping Ban Length Permanent Evidence Other notes
  13. TheOnlyOneLeft

    Xx_WolfieXAsh_xX ban report

    Name of Offender(s) Xx_WolfieXAsh_xX Server(s) where incidents occured CrundeeCraft 1 Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  14. TheOnlyOneLeft

    MysticalDraconic, AllFlame ban report

    Name of Offender(s) MysticalDraconic, AllFlame Server(s) where incidents occured Hermit Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 2 Days Evidence Other notes
  15. TheOnlyOneLeft

    I_Am_P3RF3CT1I0N, Kouen_, Kingtasia ban report

    Name of Offender(s) I_Am_P3RF3CT1I0N, Kouen_, Kingtasia Server(s) where incidents occured CrundeeCraft 1 Ban Reason Duping Ban Length Permanent Evidence Other notes The Dupe they used was Confirmed.
  16. TheOnlyOneLeft

    zSnowGreenCy ban report

    Name of Offender(s) zSnowGreenCy Server(s) where incidents occured Sky Factory 2.5 Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  17. TheOnlyOneLeft

    RwarCatz ban report

    Name of Offender(s) RwarCatz Server(s) where incidents occured CrundeeCraft 1 Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  18. TheOnlyOneLeft

    Michael_Rocky ban report

    Name of Offender(s) Michael_Rocky Server(s) where incidents occured Sky Factory 2 Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes Ban carried out by Grand_Trizmo.
  19. TheOnlyOneLeft

    MLG_Butter_Weed, Johnny18018, Cartmon1337, BurntToastyy, ZivicioMC, QuinnD2006 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) MLG_Butter_Weed, Johnny18018, Cartmon1337, BurntToastyy, ZivicioMC, QuinnD2006 Server(s) where incidents occured CrundeeCraft 1 Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 2 Weeks Evidence Other notes
  20. TheOnlyOneLeft

    SubwayIsMyDad & KiingAbby ban report

    Name of Offender(s) SubwayIsMyDad & KiingAbby Server(s) where incidents occured Revenge Of The C-Team Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes