Search results

  1. TheOnlyOneLeft

    madness__007 and TheArnoVh ban report

    Name of Offender(s) madness__007 and TheArnoVh Server(s) where incidents occured Sky Factory 2 Ban Reason Griefing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  2. TheOnlyOneLeft

    YeojIsCool Temporary 1 Day Mute

    Notes: Player has swore, harassed and threatened players in general chat. Evidence:
  3. TheOnlyOneLeft

    ApolloFlame and nikopiko999 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) ApolloFlame and nikopiko999 Server(s) where incidents occured Crainercraft Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  4. TheOnlyOneLeft

    xXxArianStormxXx and DontDropPlease ban report

    Name of Offender(s) xXxArianStormxXx and DontDropPlease Server(s) where incidents occured Crainercraft Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 1 Week Evidence Other notes Both players have been banned in the past for the same reason.
  5. TheOnlyOneLeft

    xXxArianStormxXx and DontDropPlease ban report

    Name of Offender(s) xXxArianStormxXx and DontDropPlease Server(s) where incidents occured Crainercraft Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 1 Week Evidence Other notes
  6. TheOnlyOneLeft

    NiTroSinama ban report

    Name of Offender(s) NiTroSinama Server(s) where incidents occured CrundeeCraft 1 Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length Permanent Evidence Other notes Ban time adjusted by Java
  7. TheOnlyOneLeft

    lil136, xXxArianStormxXx, and DontDropPlease ban report

    Name of Offender(s) lil136, xXxArianStormxXx, and DontDropPlease Server(s) where incidents occured Crainercraft Ban Reason Griefing And Stealing Ban Length 5 Days Evidence Other notes
  8. TheOnlyOneLeft

    CodyTerwey10 and hiisokaa ban report

    Name of Offender(s) CodyTerwey10 and hiisokaa Server(s) where incidents occured Crainercraft Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  9. TheOnlyOneLeft

    Galaxy_Outpost ban report

    Name of Offender(s) Galaxy_Outpost Server(s) where incidents occured DireWolf20 Ban Reason Griefing Ban Length Permanent Evidence Other notes Player has repeatedly been griefing other players and have been creating massive holes. Player has been banned in the past.
  10. TheOnlyOneLeft

    Sanira77 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) Sanira77 Server(s) where incidents occured The Golden Cobblestone Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  11. TheOnlyOneLeft

    JenkyLord420 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) JenkyLord420 Server(s) where incidents occured Beyond 2 Ban Reason Griefing And Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  12. TheOnlyOneLeft

    Itz_Miki ban report

    Name of Offender(s) Itz_Miki Server(s) where incidents occured Sky Factory 3 Ban Reason Killing Other Player's Property Ban Length 1 Day Evidence Other notes
  13. TheOnlyOneLeft

    Galaxy_Outpost ban report

    Name of Offender(s) Galaxy_Outpost Server(s) where incidents occured DireWolf20 Ban Reason Trolling and Griefing Players Ban Length 1 Week Evidence Other notes Player had made massive holes down to bedrock, multiple players on the server reported him about saying inappropriate...
  14. TheOnlyOneLeft

    DraconicVillain ban report

    Name of Offender(s) DraconicVillain Server(s) where incidents occured Crainercraft Ban Reason Griefing And Stealing Ban Length 1 Week Evidence Other notes
  15. TheOnlyOneLeft

    hypern132 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) hypern132 Server(s) where incidents occured Beyond 2 Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  16. TheOnlyOneLeft

    larsmagnus1 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) larsmagnus1 Server(s) where incidents occured DireWolf20 Ban Reason Creating Massive Holes in Players Claims Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  17. TheOnlyOneLeft

    0_Kaneki_0 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) 0_Kaneki_0 Server(s) where incidents occured DireWolf20 Ban Reason Placing Cursed Earth on Other Peoples Claim Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  18. TheOnlyOneLeft

    Trevdaplayah and Mattrex88 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) Trevdaplayah and Mattrex88 Server(s) where incidents occured Beyond 1 Ban Reason Griefing And Stealing Ban Length 3 Days Evidence Other notes
  19. TheOnlyOneLeft

    johnms300 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) johnms300 Server(s) where incidents occured CrundeeCraft 1 Ban Reason Unclaimed Griefing and Stealing Ban Length 5 Days Evidence Other notes
  20. TheOnlyOneLeft

    mrcool503 ban report

    Name of Offender(s) mrcool503 Server(s) where incidents occured Crainercraft Ban Reason Griefing / Stealing Ban Length 4 Days Evidence Other notes