Search results

  1. BeefcakeRogie


    I need stamps. I'm almost out. 100 stamps doesn't go as quick as they used to since online bill pay came to be, but my stamp supply is almost exhausted. Don't lick a stamp when you can stick a stamp, which are the ones that I'll soon have none. Cats, cars, or Elvis? Nope, equality and a...
  2. BeefcakeRogie

    Hi there!

    Hi and welcome. hope to see you around!
  3. BeefcakeRogie

    I'm deperessed :/

    work sux anyway. Get on twitch soon and try making money on there. Make money doing what you love, hun.
  4. BeefcakeRogie

    Maybe it's already on your list, but . . .

    The servers are still advertising instead of the new site. Just wanted to mention it in case you forgot. Have a great day!
  5. BeefcakeRogie

    I want to go on the quest for The Golden Cobblestone .... but . . .

    the quest book doesn't work anymore. Is there supposed to be a workaround? Thanks!
  6. BeefcakeRogie

    Hello from the Beefcake!

    Hi everybody, I've been enjoying the kookykraftmc servers for a little while now and hope to keep doing so for a long time! My favorite video game series is Metroid. I like all music except country, which I tolerate while cookin up some catfish dinner :P Those little white castle hambugers are...
  7. BeefcakeRogie


    Hi :)