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  1. BeefcakeRogie

    BeefcakeRogie griefed on CC2

    Hey, TheOnlyOneLeft In the ticket regarding this subject post, you state that you checked into this matter and found nothing out of the ordinary. Does that mean that disappearing ME Systems is ordinary? What gives, man? Give me some details please. How did the ME system vanish? Thank you...
  2. BeefcakeRogie

    Where's Java?

    allllllriiiiiiight! Grats on the new job. See you around.
  3. BeefcakeRogie

    BeefcakeRogie griefed on CC2

    also, I use entrytrust and nobody has permission so I think it was someone hacking.
  4. BeefcakeRogie

    BeefcakeRogie griefed on CC2

    Member Name BeefcakeRogie Server CC2 Minecraft Username BeefcakeRogie Griefer(s) I don't know who did it, but I briefly gave TheScarletDragon permission to my base today to help them with prepping for the Ender Dragon resurrection ritual. I did not see them do anything to the ME system...
  5. BeefcakeRogie

    Where's Java?

    This is more like it!
  6. BeefcakeRogie

    Where's Java?

    Hey Java, Seems that you may have moved on, but incase you are still around, know that your kitty is being well cared for!
  7. BeefcakeRogie

    JustMark2005 and derpXD ban report

    Boom.... roasted! please play nice
  8. BeefcakeRogie

    New market Item

    How come lemon jelly is not on the market then? You can't make it! And, btw, who keeps wiping out the market? I noticed this morning that the CC1 market is gone - both the player and server stuff. I had a lot of stuff in there for it to just be trashed, if that's what happened.
  9. BeefcakeRogie

    Illuminati Pet

    Just when I was getting good with the illuminatti pet.... woosh, gone! Ahh, how I will miss the illuminatti pet. It makes me sad that I found a second illuminatti pet the other day, just for it to be taken away too. Have a hamburger. By the time you're done, you'll feel right as rain!
  10. BeefcakeRogie

    Should CC1 & CC2 reset?

    There needs to be a lot of cleaning . . . people are slobs with lucky blocks. Yes, reset. I would ask that money be carried over, and that claim blocks get refunded and carried over. Also, bring back the server market! Have a hamburger.
  11. BeefcakeRogie

    My Builds! (On-Going)

    ooooh, that ice church looks fantastic (as do all the others).
  12. BeefcakeRogie

    Love the new Forums!

    I wouldn't hate it if my computer made a meow noise when I opened the forums, or clicked a link.
  13. BeefcakeRogie

    What kind of Mac & cheese is best?

    I like to try different things. I went to a resturant called Twisted Rooster. They had several mac & cheese dishes. The one that caught my eye was the Kimchi mac & cheese. Do you know what Kinchi is? it's a Korean thing ... fermented pickled spiced cabbage. I dig the stuff, so I had to try...
  14. BeefcakeRogie

    Top Voters Of September

    grats! that's a lot of votes
  15. BeefcakeRogie

    Favorite Modpack?

    I like Pam's Harvestcraft. I like growing the crops, harvesting them, and making all the different dishes that give back varying amounts of hunger bars. I like using the complex dishes in the culinary generator from whatever mod that is...Also, since a lot of people don't like doing the...
  16. BeefcakeRogie

    Purifying myself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka

    Purifying myself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka
  17. BeefcakeRogie


  18. BeefcakeRogie

    Hello from the Beefcake!

    Hi ShrubLord. Demoted!? you silly cat ;)
  19. BeefcakeRogie

    RickWad ban report

    What a jerky thing to do. Make RickWad stand in the corner too.
  20. BeefcakeRogie

    Remove HQM

    lag? you mean meow, hiss, or purr.