Search results

  1. Ace

    Denied Murch__'s Punishment Appeal

    Hello Murch__ , Thank you for making a appeal. So looking over your chat logs, you said some uncalled-for things that is not tolerated on our network, the words that you we're saying was offensive and should not be in chat, the rules are there to keep the chat nice and friendly. Your appeal...
  2. Ace

    Partiick's Mute report

    IGN: Partiick Server: sf4b Reason: Racism Length: Perm Evidence:
  3. Ace

    J055H's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) J055H Server(s) where incidents have occurred Troll Craft Ban Reason Theft Ban Length 3 days Evidence Other Notes
  4. Ace

    SyrupBr0's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) SyrupBr0 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Sf4 Ban Reason In game money for fiat currency trades with other people Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes
  5. Ace

    jamal_bin_laden's Mute

    IGN: Jamal_Bin_Laden Server: e2e Reason: inappropriate username Length: Perm Evidence:
  6. Ace

    _cyborg_101 & MasterTroll's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) _cyborg_101 & MasterTroll Server(s) where incidents have occurred Compact Ban Reason Ban Evasion Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes ALT of Superman_101. Banned for Chargback Fraud
  7. Ace

    Approved __Gianni__'s Punishment Appeal

    Hello __Gianni__, Thank you for making a appeal. So after going over your chat logs, I can say that you was just playing on the modpack like a regular player and enjoying the modpack. But on the 27th may you decided to say the N word, which isn't tolerated on our network and you got muted for...
  8. Ace

    Sypheno's mute report

    IGN: Sypheno Server SF4-b Reason: Bypassing filter to say the N word Length: Perm Evidence:
  9. Ace


    Hey! Feel free to head to #Support on the Nytro discord so we can help you.
  10. Ace

    Approved Cookie_Obtainer's Punishment Appeal

    Hello Cookie_Obtainer, Thank you for making a appeal. The reason why you was muted and had to change your name is because we have a senior admin called cookie and having Admin in the name isn't allowed either. Thank you for Changing your IGN. You have been unmuted.
  11. Ace

    i stepped on a lego's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) i stepped on a lego Server(s) where incidents have occurred Discord Ban Reason DM Spam Ban Length Perm Evidence Refer to Glac for further details Other Notes
  12. Ace

    Approved MmeChaos's Punishment Appeal

    Hey MmeChaos, Thanks for making a appeal. The Elytra item that you named was not tolerated on our Networks, even naming a item to say a bad word is not allowed which goes by the same rules if someone said it in chat. In future terms don't name things / say things in chat that are against the...
  13. Ace

    Its_Alien's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Its_Alien Server(s) where incidents have occurred Sf4b Ban Reason Ban Evasion Ban Length perm Evidence Other Notes ALT of YuhBoyNukez. Banned for "Griefing Spawn"
  14. Ace

    getting kicked out

    Go to #support on the Nytro discord
  15. Ace

    DabLitFamSquad 's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) DabLitFamSquad Server(s) where incidents have occurred Discord Ban Reason DM Advertising Ban Length perm Evidence Other Notes
  16. Ace

    IBangChildren's Mute report

    IGN: IBangChildrens Server: Sf4a Reason: Inappropriate name Length: Perm Evidence: Other Notes: Nytro_Networks Mute.
  17. Ace

    Denied TheBeastOfSamson's Punishment Appeal

    Hello TheBeastOfSamson, thank you for making a appeal. After looking at your ban report and logs, and seeing what you and your friends did was unacceptable. You and your friends were abusing the Dupe Glitch, which is a main rule you do not break, these things comes with it's consequences, and...
  18. Ace

    egirlseatmyd1ck's mute report

    IGN: egirlseatmyd1ck Server: Sf4a Reason: Inappropriate name Length: perm Evidence: If this player makes a appeal and has changed the name, unmute
  19. Ace

    internal server error, can't login to the server

    Report this to #support on the Nytro discord
  20. Ace


    Ign: urDadTouchesKids Server: Sf4a Reason: Inappropriate User name Length: Perm I told this player 4 times to change his name and he wouldn't listen. He will be unmuted as soon as his name is changed He's been unmuted