Search results

  1. Ace

    sebstewart1000's Mute report

    IGN:Sebstewart1000 Reason: Toxic language Server: Sf4b Length: Perm Evidence:
  2. Ace

    Silv3rbul13t & awesomekidghost's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Silv3rbul13t & awesomekidghost Server(s) where incidents have occurred SF4 A Ban Reason Advertising Ban Length Permanent Evidence These 2 players were spam advertising Other Notes
  3. Ace

    Holy_crusader101's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Holy_crusader101 Server(s) where incidents have occurred ODY Ban Reason Crashing a server Ban Length 5 days Evidence Other Notes This player was Intentionally trying to crash the server with nova cataclysm.
  4. Ace

    DimaKulmma's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) DimaKulmma Server(s) where incidents have occurred SF 2.5 Ban Reason Abusing Exploits Ban Length Permanent Evidence Evidence redacted to prevent disclosure of the exploit method. Other Notes
  5. Ace

    The_Guge's Mute report

    IGN: The_Guge Server: Sf4a Length: 1 day Reason: Inappropriate Chat Evidence: Other Note: Glac's mute
  6. Ace

    ebzz20's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) ebzz20 Server(s) where incidents have occurred SF4 A Ban Reason Inappropriate build at spawn plot Ban Length 1 day Evidence Other Notes
  7. Ace

    The_Real_Skeppy's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) The_Real_Skeppy Server(s) where incidents have occurred Odyssey Ban Reason Reaching the 4th warning Ban Length 1 day Evidence Other Notes
  8. Ace

    burstlimitation's Mute report

    IGN: burstlimitation Server: sf 2.5 Reason: Toxic to another player Length: 1 hour Monday, June 29, 2020 4:28:55 PM EDT
  9. Ace

    WilozzPlays's mute report

    IGN: WilozzPlays Server: SF 2.5 Reason: Toxic chat / Filter bypass Length: 1 day Friday, June 19, 2020 5:44:24 PM EDT
  10. Ace

    MasterBuilder808's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) MasterBuilder808 Server(s) where incidents have occurred SF4 A Ban Reason Reaching the 4th warning Ban Length 1 day Evidence Other Notes
  11. Ace

    Jake1033's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Jake1033 Server(s) where incidents have occurred CC Ban Reason Griefing/Theft Ban Length 3 days Evidence Other Notes
  12. Ace

    Elimx's Mute report

    IGN: Elimx Server: Sf4 b Reason: Racism Length: Permanent Evidence:
  13. Ace

    TNBK's Mute report

    IGN: TNBK Reason: Spamming in main chat Server: sf4b length: Permanent Evidence: This player was muted before, for spamming. Phyl's Mute
  14. Ace

    AuroraRpg's mute report

    IGN: AuroraRpg Server: Sf4b Reason: Making a racist sign on his plot Length: Permanent Evidence:
  15. Ace

    Magawote's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Magawote Server(s) where incidents have occurred CC Ban Reason Griefing the main end island Ban Length 1 day Evidence Other Notes
  16. Ace

    Grimthekid2 & Bruh_Moment_OOF's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Grimthekid2 & Bruh_Moment_OOF Server(s) where incidents have occurred CC Ban Reason Griefing / Theft Ban Length 3 days Evidence Other Notes Nothing came up in the logs about someone else breaking blocks, due to the 30 day limit.
  17. Ace

    Nitrix_pro420's Mute report

    IGN: Nitrix_pro420 Server: Cc Reason: Toxic in chat Length: permanent This player was being really toxic in main chat, talking about jews, nazis, rapist.
  18. Ace

    Nindorito's Mute report

    IGN: Nindorito Server: Cc Reason: Racist Length: Permanant Evidence:
  19. Ace

    _clumsy__'s Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) _clumsy__ Server(s) where incidents have occurred SF4 B Ban Reason Extensive Griefing/theft Ban Length Permanent Evidence Other Notes
  20. Ace

    Slushboy34's mute report

    IGN: Slushboy34 Reason: Toxic in main chat Server: Sf4 b Length: 3 hours Evidence: The issue behind the inventory issue is that "Slushboy34" took another players aircraft ship, so i received the item back.