What would you change about KookyKraftMC?


Aug 23, 2016
Gud Ideas:

#1 Make Twilight Forest and other dimensions like that able to enter and make laggy places unreachable or like pushes you out so you can go there cause its part of mod packs.
That would cancel itself out... Twilight forest and other dimensions are so laggy we have to ban them. If we made laggy places unreachable and unbanned those dimensions you couldn't enter them because they'd be too laggy.

#2 Also possible raiding available so like if it's not claimed its free game, and maybe a claim off time limit, so if you're off for a few months or years, your stuff can be recycled and gained by other players, it would increase adventuring.
There is a claim off time limit, 100 days I believe. It isn't allowed, but the rule about that in /rules links to our old website which was taken down, so you can't read the conversation about it. But in any case, a huge point of kkmc was to have modded servers without raiding, so we're almost definitely not going to do this.

#3 A rank for people who record or live stream on the server, like VIP or something, but you must have like 50+ subs to be accepted for rank. Or a Prefix for people who do recording and streaming, like "[YouTube] Name"
We don't do that, but so far no one I've heard of has qualified anyways. It would be nice if some streamers or youtubers came here... at all...

#4 Warps to cool/interesting creations players have made, like "oh its the servers first tallest cactus, make a warp!"
Player warps would be nice, but they'd have to be on a different command from staff set warps.

#5 also rtp's in the nether and end, and warps to those places to
For the end that would almost always tp you into the void, might work with the nether however. Also, on some servers there's portals at spawn to those dimensions.


Jan 17, 2017
Fix forum spam filter: Whatever it's doing is way too strict, I can't post anything and I had legitimate things to say (also have it show what it's rejecting)


Aug 23, 2016
Gud Ideas:

#1 Make Twilight Forest and other dimensions like that able to enter and make laggy places unreachable or like pushes you out so you can go there cause its part of mod packs.

#2 Also possible raiding available so like if it's not claimed its free game, and maybe a claim off time limit, so if you're off for a few months or years, your stuff can be recycled and gained by other players, it would increase adventuring.

#3 A rank for people who record or live stream on the server, like VIP or something, but you must have like 50+ subs to be accepted for rank. Or a Prefix for people who do recording and streaming, like "[YouTube] Name"

#4 Warps to cool/interesting creations players have made, like "oh its the servers first tallest cactus, make a warp!"

#5 also rtp's in the nether and end, and warps to those places to
#1. No.

#2. The whole point of KookyKraft is a No-Raid/No-PvP network.

#3. I already mentioned this one.

#4. That happens once in awhile.