Rixuous' ban appeal.


Feb 25, 2017
I guess I should start off with why I was banned, because I do not deny what I did. I duplicated using a fancy crafting table. A few weeks ago, a player named KTS111 showed me the trick, and I instantly put in a ticket knowing I wouldn't be able to resist if I knew I could. I personally put in the ticket. I got the reply, "We know, we are working on it." A few days later, I was working on something and needed iron, so I checked the fancy crafting table. It still worked...and I felt like 'hey, iron is annoying to get right now and this would just save me time.' Over time, my duplicating got a little more...pricey. Duplicating draconium chests full of Cryothium gel for my reactor (which I later dumped because it was glitchy, and I decided to just use the diamonds I had instead.)

Today I came on to see I was banned. I know what I did was wrong, but the impulse in knowing you can is hard to resist. It just makes life easier, but with everything I duplicated, I threw out something I felt had equal value. For small things, maybe Enderium blocks, for bigger things, especially things like the draconium chests, I dropped dragon hearts (which you cannot duplicate!)

This is by far my favorite server. No server comes in second by a long shot. I spend every hour of my free time on this server, and I have for the past few months. I've voted when I remember, I've been loyal to staff and tried my best to be as friendly and helpful as possible to everyone. Hell, I even helped people fight chaos dragons before I made draconic armor (which I got legit!) I lost a lot of stuff doing that, but I had fun and I didn't mind it.

But to sum it up, I'm sorry. I put disgrace on the server and what it stands for, the sever I've fallen in love with, and I probably deserve this. Even if you don't unban me, please just ban the fancy crafting table so no one else falls into the same impulse as I did.

Thank you for your time,
Sincerely, Rixuous.
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Likes: Ozelotte


Feb 25, 2017
Oh, and actually...the armor I believe was from the wither farm, and the feathers were from lucky blocks. (Note that you can't duplicate armor using the method I used.) And Fatal had nothing to do with it, I never told him how.