Ralius's Ban Appeal (HarmfulPotions)


Oct 4, 2016
Since there is no getting through to kraise or time, Yes i was wrongfully ban. Will I whine about it? No, I take part in most of the blame for leaving my LAN Cable in. I was banned for griefing, But. As java knows (He tried helping me) Heres the full story:
It started when I contacted java, I asked him if he could help with an infected computer (This is main computer lets call it Boss Machine) So Boss Machine was infected. Java has helped me by giving me programs (These are anti-virus/malware programs) I ran them over night got most everything off. I contacted him, Told him that the internet was slow. He suggested it was a botnet, Well i shrugged it off thinking it couldn't do much harm if I'm not using the computer. So i leave the computer alone for a while, (Lan cable in) I currently am on a alternate pc (Lets call it ALB Alternate Boss Machine) So Alb is connected to the internet i finally catch up on classes and work schedule to fit in a bit of minecraft I log in and I'm banned. I talked to most of the staff, Who say this ban was wrongfully put in place. I have since fixed my errors in my mistake. I have apologized many times.
Currently, My position at kkmc was Senior-Builder, I have built things like the hub (Which is what i supposedly griefed) Now let me ask you this, If you were to grief, Would it be your own creation that you sat down and made through many mistakes and fix them then destroy it? Wheres the motive? Why would i want to do that? But I just needed to put this out there. I'm sorry for my mistakes. For them i have fixed. But for grudges, And I'm told nobody believes this. If so ask java for pictures of viruses on my pc being removed. Ask for screenshots of our chats. I'm telling the truth. I love this network, I have only been occupied of other matters.


Aug 23, 2016
The problem lies in the fact that the evidence against you is substantial.
I can confirm much of what you said, though.
For all intents and purposes, it appears you yourself did the grief.

This is a very complicated issue with many varying opinions of what to do and what actually happened.
While I personally would like to see you unbanned, mostly because there is no way you could do this a second time without the access, I cannot go against the law of the land.

In the end, it is up to Kraise to decide to forgive you or not. No one is going to touch this without his blessing.

What I need you to do is to rewrite your appeal and do a damn good job. No excuses, just apologize and acknowledge any mistakes you may have made.

Once you have done this, I will kindly ask Kraise if he would be willing to look at your appeal and consider leniency. This is as much as I can offer you. It will still come down to what he decides.

I wish you the best.
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