Permanently muted on SkyFactory 2.5.3


Nov 14, 2016
Minecraft Username: TrumpLeadsISIS
Date of mute: 11/13/16
Time of ban: 8PM EST
Who muted me: Java
Reason why I was muted: For saying titties in chat
Mute length: permanent
Why you should unmute me: Although I am sorry for doing it, I don't feel as if I did much wrong or at least enough wrong to deserve a permanent sentence. The word I used isn't swearing nor is it blocked by catbot (if other words that mean the same are I'm sorry but I didn't mean to bypass the filter). People have used phrases such as "calm your tits" which is practically the same and had no punishment and people have gotten warnings on multiple occasions but I was instantly muted for good. If it was a say 7 day wait or shorter I'd understand but the context of me using the word was giving out an instagram account to a friend, "lllilittititties" (with spaces but not going to put them in in order to somewhat hide the account). I feel this was more of a wrongful sentence than one I need to apologize for but if it is needed, I am sorry for what I did.


Aug 23, 2016
The reason you got muted was not what you were saying in chat, it was how you were saying very negative and insulting comments about another staff member in private knowing they can see what you said.
You were kicked by me and you said you didn't care and would continue.
Since you were so determined to continue I decided you had nothing of value to say and removed your ability to talk.


Nov 14, 2016
The reason you got muted was not what you were saying in chat, it was how you were saying very negative and insulting comments about another staff member in private knowing they can see what you said.
You were kicked by me and you said you didn't care and would continue.
Since you were so determined to continue I decided you had nothing of value to say and removed your ability to talk.
If you still have chat logs or screenshots whatever you will see i thought it wasn't you who muted me and was griffin instead. And my friend messaged me saying something like "griffin's hot i just wanna lick his toes" as a joke so I replied with something like EXACT WORDING "nah you dont want that Griffin has a small pp". If you are gonna perm mute me for saying pp (when i already replied to griffin when he said he could see what i said that i knew about that) without warning me at all... (yes i know you kicked me but I didn't know who kicked me or for what reason as u can tell with my appeal...) then I really just don't understand. And if you muted me for like an hour or even up to a week i wouldnt care because apparently i did something wrong but permanent? Can you not see I had no clue what I even did and if a joke got the kid so mad to where he had to mute me for something as stupid as PP then please just ban me from skyblock...


Aug 23, 2016

It didn't even make me mad, I didn't mute you and I wouldn't have muted you unless it got out of hand. I was kinda annoyed at you and I brought it up in discord on the staff chat, but I never suggested muting you. Java kicked you for that and I wasn't considering a mute until you said that you would continue despite being kicked. In the end I still didn't mute you or ask java to mute you, java just muted you, but I stand by his decision.


Nov 14, 2016

It didn't even make me mad, I didn't mute you and I wouldn't have muted you unless it got out of hand. I was kinda annoyed at you and I brought it up in discord on the staff chat, but I never suggested muting you. Java kicked you for that and I wasn't considering a mute until you said that you would continue despite being kicked. In the end I still didn't mute you or ask java to mute you, java just muted you, but I stand by his decision.
when i got back on i thought u were messing around with kicking me as a joke because i said "gryphons pp is small" so i said something liek "that wont stop me GRYPHON"... nothing like idc that u kicked me i dont give a damn ill just keep talkin crap about you so still dont get ur point.. thought u were joking around and the kick never said who it was issued by until u told me AFTER I WAS ALREADY MUTED


Aug 23, 2016
Either way a kick still should have been enough to tell you that you should stop, and you didn't. I don't joke around with any form of punishment.


Aug 23, 2016
I muted you, told Griffin to unmute you when or if he wanted to, then I immediately went to bed. The idea was you'd be muted long enough to calm down in a few minutes or few hours. Some how this has dragged on into 2 weeks.

Originally he was going to unmute you and after thinking it over figured you probably could accept responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming others or getting hostile.

I have no real opinion one way or the other about you and still don't to this day. I am going to continue to play minecraft and look at cat pictures.