Ozelotte griefed on Hermit


Sep 17, 2016
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What did they do?
First the idiots kept griefing and renaming the cloud at Noob Cabin and griefing, stealing the crate with free loot where I gave noobies slimeboots or spare redstone orchids or food and other handy stuff. Now they idiots (maybe new idiots) decided to mess the public spawners and set the entity detectors to max instead of 1 - which means instead of having to stand on a plate to get a shulker or a wither or ghast or whatever they would have ALL the spawners running on max spitting out mobs sucking power and making bad lag. Sadly Baldigir changed back the settings before he revoked the public access, so I dont know if any admin can prism who was the idiot who destroyed the fun and is to blame. ANyways for now ALL the public free spawners are CLOSED. No more free blazerods or bats for your angelrings. I dont really feel like helping people in the community anymore, it keeps feeling like throwing pearls before swine, everything I ever make gets destroyed somehow by the idiots playing on Kookykraft. I miss when we were less popular. Back then I could have let a noob stand on a pressure plate or pull a lever and not risk this. This is a screenshot before we had to remove the pressureplates.. https://gyazo.com/69733bc71559ee6d1ad5532c4a4e7d08 this is noob cabin where they can use toolforge or enchanting table or find portals for nether and spawn https://gyazo.com/095ba2294f3f7e5d9c967b4010d2e718

Who do you live with/trust?