Just a Small bit of info on each rank
Be aware These Ranks are monthly subscription or a single payment for 30 days.
Each Rank receives All perks from previous rank.
Be aware These Ranks are monthly subscription or a single payment for 30 days.
Each Rank receives All perks from previous rank.
- Homes: 5 <<< Set Five homes
- /heal <<< Heal Self quickly
- /feed <<< Feeds Self quickly
- /hat <<< Option to Choose hat
- /kittycannon <<< Launches Cat at target ( Unknown if damages mobs )
- /book <<< ( Unknown at this time
- /firework <<< Launches Fireworks in area
- /trash <<< Unknown at this time
- Homes: 7
- Homes: 7 <<< Set Seven Homes using /sethome ( Name of Home)
- Change the colors of your name with /nick.
- /pweather <<< Sets Personal Weather (Clear rain for self)
- /ptime <<< Sets Personal Time for Player only
- /repair <<< Repairs item currently in hand
- /anvil <<< Opens Anvil interface without needing of Anvil
- /enchantingtable <<< Opens Enchanting interface without need of Enchanting table
- /delnick <<< Delete's Set Nickname
- /workbench <<< Opens workbench interface without Need of Workbench
- Keep XP on death.
- Bypass teleport warmup
- Homes: 10 <<< Sets Ten Homes using /sethome (Name of home)
- Bypass teleport cooldown.
- Bypass feed and heal cooldown.
- /nightvision <<< Enables Nightvision Enchant
- /enchant <<< Enchants item currently in-hand please us command once with item in hand to see available enchants
- Change your name and coloring with /nick.
- /itemname set | clear <<< Changes name of item held
- /speed <<< Increases speed while walking / running
- ECO Server Only: <<< ( No Longer Used. )
- /condense
- Bypass all other cooldowns and delays.
- Unlimited homes.
- /fly
- Can bold, italic, strikethrough, and underline their nickname.
- Keep inventory.
Last edited:
marco2912 and EliteFuZioNHD