KookyKraftMC Network? = Profit and Free Advertising


Nov 20, 2016
So, I had this idea at the end and farewell of a community i was once apart of. You take a trusted amount of builders give them there own vanilla / modded minecraft server No Public Access, and you do a community just like many others, Hermitcraft , Mindcrack etc but the issue is they spread there content out across to many individual channels, here you setup a time-slot and videos in one location for all that Stream / upload content to. Use a Pre-roll ad to advertise the Server Network and Banners across Streaming Frames. Now comes for the profit once streams become profitable, the Owner dose profit sharing with there streamers, say a cut of revenue at 30% of actual profit after taxes etc and none of this oh were friends you can trust me Actual contracts are the way to go. This way all parties know where they stand. give bonuses to well performing Streamers / up-loaders up to 60% Profit before taxes. As you get larger you expand. for now get something going and work. i don't know about the rest of the community but i'd watch it :D. Just an idea for the new year.


Aug 23, 2016
A brief TL;DR of the suggestion for everyone:
KKMC would host private servers for builders and streamers, the server gets a large cut of the money that the streamer makes off their videos and stream.

It sounds quite questionable and I don't see any motivation for the builder or streamer to agree to this. Players are currently able to record and stream as much as they want on the regular servers and they don't have to share any of their profits.
The only request we make is that the streamer or Youtuber add a small mention of server they are playing on in the video.