Duping inv, overwriteing inv, lost 70% of my stuff


Oct 7, 2016
i made one of those storage things from rftools and stored nearly all my stuff in it, all was fine but when i logged in a little later it went from around 170 stacks down to about 45, i was extremely tilted but i just got over it. i now have been playing about 4 days after that and i FINALY got 4 nether stars ti upgrade my altar and i pressed R to sort my inv and about 4 items got duped, copied over to the next slot and override the items already there, i thought it was a visual bug but one of the items was a bag and it duped the items in that as well, related and still there, it also deleting the items next to them, including the stars and a handful of other items including my great pick ;( (i cry) so I'm now tilted again losing a lot of stuff for absolutely no reason, i want a mod/admin to check the retools chest thing for tampering, if nothing pops up i want an explanation for the items going missing and some of my stuff being duped and destroying A LOT OF TIME. (p.s I'm not tilted at the mods/admins mostly server, i really like it tho and i don't want it ruined) (p.p.s i want this bug/bugs or whatever the hell it is to be fixed as its just ruining it for me) Please help ;( i cry (figuratively)