I think donators should have their own server for each mod pack. When you think about it, players who buy ranks enjoy playing on KookyKraft, but there are times when some of us regret it, no offense. There are usually non-donator players who don't take into account that there are others who are trying to enjoy the server who cause the server to suffer in some shape or form. If there are donator servers I'm sure that maybe more people would be even willing to buy a rank to have a better experience. I sure that if this were to happen, these donator servers would not have as many issues as some servers currently are having. This is something I think a lot of players who donate would appreciate. I got this idea from when there used to be /warps for donors in older mod packs that allowed donors to borrow machinery from certain mods. Thank you in advance for checking out my post. I'd love to hear your opinions! 
A Fellow Donator
A Fellow Donator