A little advise no one asked for.
Now a little bit about myself, I'm In sales, i understand community and people drive sales. Numbers = Sales = Profit.
Now my issue, Saw a mod today complain that we were complaining. Its not good business its shooting yourself in the foot to start Punishing Customers for general complaints made in chat. If there spamming sure, if there voicing an actual complaint you don't open with i should temp mute. Its not good business. I know what its like on the other side You don't actually care about the customer, BUT you don't show that to the customers, You kill them with kindness and call them a jackhorse behind there back. You say we understand your frustration, we are working on resolving the issue please bare with us. Thank for playing on KookyKraftMC and Please don't forget to vote you've just turned a negative into a positive and gained a promoter. its a "V-Sat" rather then a detractor a " D-Sat " someone who will promote your server rather then tear it down by voice. its how some of the top 100 companies got to there level. Just my input do with it as you wish. Thank you for all you do we truly do love the server thanks
Jason from sales.
Now a little bit about myself, I'm In sales, i understand community and people drive sales. Numbers = Sales = Profit.
Now my issue, Saw a mod today complain that we were complaining. Its not good business its shooting yourself in the foot to start Punishing Customers for general complaints made in chat. If there spamming sure, if there voicing an actual complaint you don't open with i should temp mute. Its not good business. I know what its like on the other side You don't actually care about the customer, BUT you don't show that to the customers, You kill them with kindness and call them a jackhorse behind there back. You say we understand your frustration, we are working on resolving the issue please bare with us. Thank for playing on KookyKraftMC and Please don't forget to vote you've just turned a negative into a positive and gained a promoter. its a "V-Sat" rather then a detractor a " D-Sat " someone who will promote your server rather then tear it down by voice. its how some of the top 100 companies got to there level. Just my input do with it as you wish. Thank you for all you do we truly do love the server thanks
Jason from sales.
RlZ58 and Hammertroll