Denied Christian245's Punishment Appeal

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Jul 30, 2020
Minecraft Username

Full Discord ID (Name#1234) Chridtiaj#7673 (may be changing it to plain old christian soon)

Punishment Reason
Bypassing chat filter "once" (a few times in a short time yes i know its not allowed to test but still not excessive amounts in my personal opinion)

Who Punished You?
someone on console

Did you learn anything from this?
not to bypass chat filter, and to not bypass the filter even when nobody is online

What would you do next time instead?
not try to bypass chat filter no matter whos online if anyone, and also to be respectful, trying to think of more ways of convincing you but they straight dont exist so just ban me if i offend again

Is there anything you would like to add or tell us?
not trying to ruin my already low chances at an unmute by saying this but isnt perm muting for something when nobody is online a bit extreme for a first offense after no warnings? also if this is too soon for another appeal it would have been nice to know a time limit between tickets beforehand
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GrandpaGlac In The Potato Sack
Jan 10, 2020
Texas, USA
Hi Christian245. Thanks for your second appeal. I'll cover a few points with you.

-The rules apply to everyone evenly. Typing /rules (or /help > Rules) in game will provide you with the standards for our network.
-The rules apply regardless of scenario or server population.
-Intent and behavior plays a large role in our punishment application process and appeals.

It's clear based on your initial server behavior, appeal details, and discord comments that you have no intention of following the guidance provided to every player. Instead, you feel that you have been victimized by the punishment process as being "excessive" and mock the rules by referring to how you were surprised you didn't get warned for a comment on discord and how Senior Staff seems to have better things to do. It is true that we all have better things to do than deal with toxic behaviors. We require all of our players to abide by the same rules. When that fails to happen, the punishment process is implemented regardless of your opinion of said process.

Based on your entire player history on our network, it is clear that you have no intention of understanding our rules and why they exist. I do not see you changing your mindset or behaviors in the near future, therefore I will be declining your appeal.
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