Banned For Duping - IGN - Mia_Victoria


Oct 31, 2016
IGN (In Game Name) : Mia_Victoria
Ban Reason : Duping
Banned On Server : All Servers (First On Sky Factory then became Global)
Involved Players (Also Banned) : mushoothedragon | mastermind_999
Why I Should Be Unbanned? : I am truly sorry and what I did was wrong, I should of thought before hand what I could get into and the risk of getting banned, while I am now. Duping is wrong, and I knew it was. I shouldn't of followed the trails of my other 2 friends, Mooshie, and Master, into duping and doing something that I wasn't suppose to do. I really want to get all my friends back on KKMC and play with them again even if I don't have any of my stuff on Sky Factory or C Team or Ozone. At least I have my friends, that's what is important. Now this might not seem like a reason for me to be unbanned, but again, I am very sorry because of the actions and decisions I made. Please forgive me. If you need proof about why I got banned, ask STS
. He should have some pictures and maybe some memory about it. If you're reading this my dear friends, I know you will be ashamed and though I was honest in every direction. I might not get unbanned but we will still have memories. Plus, I don't really want to threat saying that you guys would lose a donor. That would just make you mad XD but if you say No I understand :)

For I know the plans I have for you, Declares the Lord, Plans to prosper you and not harm you, Plans to give you hope and a good future

Jeremiah 29:11

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Likes: Newage


Sep 17, 2016
I will unban you. Now here's the catch. If you are caught breaking a bannable rule, it will be permanent without the option to appeal. I will be checking up on you and your associates regularly without your knowledge and if I see anything fishy, I will investigate further.
Likes: Newage