Approved Ban Appeal


Jun 1, 2017
Discord Username
Uncreative Username#8323

Mute Reason
Mentioning multiple staff

Who muted you?
Java? I can't completely remember.

Did you learn anything from this?
Well, I learned not to mention multiple people for a single problem, as it can be annoying, or just downright frustrating, especially to those who are normally pinged more than usual due to high ranks.

What would you do next time instead?
Next time, I would just mention a single staff member, or not mention one at all and just wait for someone to help me when they are available and it's not distracting.

Is there anything else you would like to add or tell us?
Between now and when I was muted, I have experienced the frustration of being asked for assistance and mentioned repetitively. Even though it was on a smaller scale then what the staff must experience, I feel bad for causing such experience to others, and I won't do it again.

As a side note, my Discord name changes somewhat often, so my ID is 343135414007234560.

(Edit: Changed the word "banned" in the questions to "muted")
(Edit 2: Removed "(This isn't a ban, just a perm mute)")