Ban Appeal


Apr 7, 2017
My ign is CatzEatPantz98 and I was banned for duping using the formation pane from AE2 on CrundeeCraft 1 by JavaTech. I duped diamond blocks right in from of him. I also duped sandstone, quartz blocks, and stone bricks. I was associated with 2 other's in the duping adventure. There was Josh_Smith and AlexT15. AlexT15 duped netherstars, netherstar generators x64. Awakened draconic cores, Awakened draconic ingots. Draconic staffs of power. And many more. I don't remember what Josh duped but it included some fish. We shared the loot amongst each other so we are all equally guilty. I'm asking if we could get appealed because getting banned really sucks and we promise we won't ever dupe again on all of the Kooky Kraft server. Thank you for taking your time to read this.