
  1. K

    My base was griefed

    x_Th3Demon_x, GunstringerNick, and I recently had a bit of an argument with RyanTheMage, and we set up a Blood Magic Aura of Expulsion to keep him out because, as far as i know, I cannot set my claim to exclude players. Today, Nick and I get on to find a good part of our base and its surrounding...
  2. H

    My Builds! (On-Going)

    Okay, Lets start off by an introduction ( Introductions are the best way i hope ) Hello, I'm astrate. I would like to first off say, I am currently in 2 build teams. I work for PrimeMc, And Pyrotheum Creations. I have a long line of build teams but I won't get into that. I love building it's a...