Search results

  1. EliteFuZioNHD

    Ofca3000, bartoszPRO, Argedon0's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Ofca3000, bartoszPRO, Argedon0 Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing Ban Length 3 days Evidence Other Notes
  2. EliteFuZioNHD

    1ne2wo3hree4our's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) 1ne2wo3hree4our Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason duping Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Specific screenshots of the dupe method are retracted to avoid exploit but can be produced upon mod request if needed.
  3. EliteFuZioNHD

    Milky0519's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Milky0519 Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing/Griefing, Claiming Player's Base Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes
  4. EliteFuZioNHD

    ImMatsS's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) ImMatsS Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Extensive Griefing/Stealing, PvP Bypass Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Grief was spread across 4 bases, roughly 8 players. No appeal due to the amount of rules broken and the extent of grief
  5. EliteFuZioNHD

    PhantomWolf2002, Phil_Eggtree's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) PhantomWolf2002, Phil_Eggtree Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Mass Grief and Stealing Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Players were teamed together and raided many bases and chests with clear warnings.
  6. EliteFuZioNHD

    aceflyerjo's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) aceflyerjo Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Veinmining the end Ban Length 1day Evidence Other Notes
  7. EliteFuZioNHD

    zombiepigman7, Tobias_Maximus's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) zombiepigman7, Tobias_Maximus Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing/Griefing Ban Length perm Evidence Other Notes This ban can be appealed however due to the number of griefs and stealing it will remain perm until an appeal is accepted
  8. EliteFuZioNHD

    _ThePizzaKing_'s Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) _ThePizzaKing_ Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing Ban Length 10 days Evidence Other Notes
  9. EliteFuZioNHD

    Red_Devil2002's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Red_Devil2002 Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 5days Evidence Other Notes: The chest contained drives recovered from another thief for the owner, It had the ban warning next to it and the player stole them anyways.
  10. EliteFuZioNHD

    BenjyNoot's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) BenjyNoot Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 12 days Evidence Other Notes Player was trusted on the claim and proceeded to steal the claim owner's ME drives
  11. EliteFuZioNHD

    FrolicEmperor's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) FrolicEmperor Server(s) where incidents have occurred Unabridged Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes: Appeal is permitted and perhaps encouraged however due to the volume of items stolen ban will be perm until an appeal is heard.
  12. EliteFuZioNHD

    Ch1llz_'s Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Ch1llz_ Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Veinming the End Ban Length 3 days Evidence Other Notes Player remarked that they were only finding minicio in the end at which point I found them veinmining the main end island. After asking if...
  13. EliteFuZioNHD

    Blackbear0507's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Blackbear0507 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Ultimate Reloaded Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 10days Evidence Other Notes Player was in possession of stolen drives, when owners were questioned about the type and amount of drives they knew both.
  14. EliteFuZioNHD

    BenjaCook's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) BenjaCook Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length 10 days Evidence Other Notes Player stole drives that were recovered from another theft for a player along with other items from the base.
  15. EliteFuZioNHD

    CraftAWayYT's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) CraftAWayYT Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Veinmining the End Ban Length 1d Evidence Other Notes I have signs at the start of the end saying not to veinmine
  16. EliteFuZioNHD

    MaxBlaster2's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) MaxBlaster2 Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Veinmining the End Ban Length 1d Evidence Other Notes I have signs at the start of the end saying not to veinmine
  17. EliteFuZioNHD

    CatholicNun, WannaBeMyAgent's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) CatholicNun, WannaBeMyAgent Server(s) where incidents have occurred Unabriged Ban Reason Greifing,Stealing, PvP Bypass Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes Players had a taglock of Victim and his friend in their ME,
  18. EliteFuZioNHD

    SlDTheSIoth's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) SlDTheSIoth Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Veinmining the End Ban Length 1d Evidence
  19. EliteFuZioNHD

    sezmarque, ryanbigbubble's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) sezmarque, ryanbigbubble Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Griefing/Stealing Ban Length 12 days Evidence Other Notes
  20. EliteFuZioNHD

    Branden__'s Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Branden__ Server(s) where incidents have occurred CrundeeCraft Ban Reason Stealing Ban Length Perm Evidence Other Notes The screenshots speak for themselves, player stole me drives that were recovered from previous griefs by staff for the owner in a chest labeled.