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  1. Discere

    SuperBossAndrew crashing on login

    Line 17. Delete FastCraft.
  2. Discere

    Describe the member above you in one word

  3. Discere

    Describe the member above you in one word

  4. Discere

    Dinomite166 crashing on login

    Dude. This was made on May 25, 2017. If I recall, he was on yesterday.
  5. Discere

    Xx_WolfieXAsh_xX crashing on login

    Look at line 9 and line 15. It seems to be Thermal Foundation trying to get an ore's light level at the request of FastCraft. FastCraft changes rendering dramatically, so try removing it.
  6. Discere

    A lot of things, all over

    If you say so.
  7. Discere

    A lot of things, all over

    Okay, I'm playing on Sky Factory 2.5. Both the World Save and ClearLag are ran seperatly, and they are both announced. In SF2.5, it is definitely not async nor with the world save.
  8. Discere

    A lot of things, all over

    For the spawner, yes it does. There was a significant amount of lag when I was using it and it stopped as soon as I removed it. For /ping, it works on SF2.5, and I want more people to know about it so that they stop complaining. If the entity clear is async, why is there a massive lag spike...
  9. Discere

    dondamien crashing on login

    That's not a log. That's just the first few statements, which is not enough to fix it. However, try removing FastCraft. It causes crashes like mad.
  10. Discere

    Karmic crashing on login

    On line 2643, it mentions FastCraft. FastCraft is notorious for random render crashes like this. If you do not mind uninstalling FastCraft, then uninstall it. That's the crash source.
  11. Discere

    A lot of things, all over

    There are several more that it wouldn't let me post, so I'll leave those for now.
  12. Discere

    A lot of things, all over

    Level 3 – Probably not possible / Mod modification · Make the resurrected ender dragon’s difficulty a per-player thing. That way a newer player doesn’t have to fight a super strong dragon due to others resurrecting it a lot. · Add a lag tracker to see where lag comes from, example who’s base...
  13. Discere

    A lot of things, all over

    Level 2 – Plugin / Server modification · Make entity clears asynchronous, for the non-developers that means it’s not stopping the regular server to remove entities, instead it runs side by side, so it doesn’t cause a performance drop. · Remove the server listing category in market if there are...
  14. Discere

    A lot of things, all over

    I've organized this into separate categories, based on how hard these are to implement. Level 1 – Config / Forums · Ban Weather Obelisk (Ender IO 1.7). You already ban other weather related things. · Add a /hub, or if you want a BetterAlias link to /server hub · Make advertising by saying...
  15. Discere

    Trying to learn C#...

    Trying to learn C#...