Search results

  1. Ace

    Salty.#9999's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Salty.#9999 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Discord Ban Reason DM Spam Ban Length Perm Evidence DM me on discord for the evidence. Other Notes
  2. Ace

    tax__frauds & SaltyMST's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) tax__frauds & SaltyMST Server(s) where incidents have occurred Sf4p Ban Reason PvP Bypass Ban Length Perm Evidence More Evidence if you DM me on discord. Other Notes Both players decided to lie to me in #Sky-Factory on the discord server. Then decided to DM me on...
  3. Ace

    tax__frauds & SaltyMST's Mute Report

    IGN: tax_frauds & SaltyMST Server: Sf4p Reason: English only in main chat Length: 1 day Evidence: Other Notes: Both has been muted 4 times now and been warned / verbal warned multiple times. They both seem to ignore when being told to keep it in /msg.
  4. Ace

    Wallamelon's Mute Report

    IGN: Wallamelon Server: Sf4a Reason: Trolling Length: 1 day Evidence:
  5. Ace

    SaltyMST's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) SaltyMST Server(s) where incidents have occurred Sf4p Ban Reason Inappropriate build Ban Length 1 day Evidence Other Notes
  6. Ace

    Approved Vitalzz's Punishment Appeal

    Hey Vitalzz, thank you for making an appeal. You said the N word on the 13th August. You were supposed to be Auto-Muted by the bot but it didn't detect so I muted you earlier today. The rules we have aren't mean to be broken, nor be bypassed in any way. I been doing some digging through your...
  7. Ace

    tax__frauds & SaltyMST's Mute Report

    IGN: tax__Frauds & SaltyMST Server: Sf4p Reason: English only in main chat. Length: 3 hours Evidence: Other Notes: Both players has been warned, muted and has also been told by me SEVERAL times to keep the chat english. They didn't listen.
  8. Ace

    Vitalzz's mute report

    IGN: Vitalzz Server: Stoneblock 2 Reason: Racism Length: Perm Evidence:
  9. Ace

    Mennesken#3750's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Mennesken#3750 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Discord Ban Reason Advertising Ban Length Perm Evidence DM me on discord for the evidence. Other Notes
  10. Ace

    Denied KoltonV2's Punishment Appeal

    Hello KoltonNebula. Thank you for making an appeal. For all the times we spent with each other on Crundee Craft was good, but the moment you became a whole different person just because I didn't want you on the claim. You then said you was going to tell Dr.Zoidberg because I was "abusing" my...
  11. Ace

    A Dino Nuggie with Depression#7328's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) A Dino Nuggie with Depression#7328 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Discord Ban Reason Advertising Ban Length Perm Evidence Player was trying to Advertise their Crundee Craft server and when being told no, they became rude to a member of staff and to another...
  12. Ace

    Citkat76's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Citkat76 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Sf4b Ban Reason AFK Bypass Ban Length 1 day Evidence Other Notes
  13. Ace

    LEGOBrickDiscord#1680's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) LEGOBrickDiscord#1680 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Discord Ban Reason Bypassing Discord Mute Ban Length Perm Evidence - Kept using Discord to In-game to bypass his mute. Player has been told several times not to do it and they responded with "ok"...
  14. Ace

    eijw's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) eijw Server(s) where incidents have occurred Sf4b Ban Reason AFK-Bypass Ban Length 1 day Evidence Other Notes
  15. Ace

    VarthDader06's Mute Report

    IGN: VarthDader06 Server: Stone block 2 Reason: Racism Length: Perm Evidence:
  16. Ace
  17. Ace

    Zabist's Mute Report

    IGN: Zabist Server: Sf4b Reason: Racism Length: Perm Evidence:
  18. Ace

    smc.#0001's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) smc.#0001 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Discord Ban Reason Advertising Ban Length Perm Evidence DM me on discord for the screenshot. Other Notes
  19. Ace

    PULLBANG541T's Mute Report

    IGN: PULLBANG541T Server: Sf4b Reason: Racism Length: Perm Evidence:
  20. Ace

    Loxstock#8760's Ban Report

    Name of Offender(s) Loxstock#8760 Server(s) where incidents have occurred Discord Ban Reason DM Advertising Ban Length Perm Evidence DM Me on discord for the screenshot Other Notes