Thank you both for replying. I posted I had given up on Bevo which was deleted. It was resetting several times an hour and I was timing out several times an hour. It really wasn't fun. After reading the very few posts about the server it was clear the server is having issues. It still is with other players having the same issues as me clearly.
If players don't tell YOU exactly how they feel then you simply cannot learn. A lot of the time if people invest time and money into their gaming, (my time is precious, I don't have as much left of it as most people), we can get very frustrated and saying aloud, publicly is obviously an easy way to vent this frustration. We are after all, human!
More communication would be better!
One thing that REALLY angers me about KKMC is the fact that the voting system is, in my opinion, corrupt and unethical. After abandoning Bevo as its not imho playable I find that when I switched to SF25 and went to vote for that server I realized the server it was linking to is Bevo. Why the hell would I want to vote for that server when it clearly has issues. Your average player will neither notice nor care. Your system encourages the corrupt practice as if players don't vote willy nilly they won't get the benefits. So servers that struggle get vote boosts despite their issues. Please end this practice. It's just another way KKMC use people's better nature for the wrong reasons. Sure have a generalized vote. I use it because despite the issues there are some great admins/mods, some great players who make a difference, and some good servers in the network. But as I have said before I will never vote for servers that need attention because it isn't morally right. This is why I touched on honesty in a previous post!
I will continue to play on KKMC but at the moment I won't buy any more perks etc. ( I didn't get my previous purchases from cteam like the quarry, chunk loader, builders wand etc.) Sort the issues and lack of communication on the forum and inevitably I will continue to support the servers financially. I am not alone in this frame of mind.