Aether II Companions Vanishing From Player's Inventories?!


May 26, 2017
Yesterday, May 26th, the server was crashing constantly for an hour or two (Players have told me the Owner already knows). When the brutal crashing was over, I realized my Aether II companion was missing from my companion slot in my inventory, I had it equipped before the crashing. I asked players if the same was happening to them, the result was yes. A few friends of mine as well lost their companions, specifically, me(Malachitee), killfrop, AtlantianWarlock, and Styx(I forget his full IGN). I just had to make this thread because I feel it is unfair to us players that we lost such valuable items. Styx, Matt_Shadows, killfrop, and me spent about an hour or two going through a dungeon just to get a companion. Please consider this thread. Thanks!