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  1. Xander_Vanguard

    It's a 1.10 pack... but hear me out

    Recently I have been watching a few youtubers playing a pack called Simple Life 2, it is by no means a challenge pack nor is it a hold your hand pack. it looks like a rather stable and interesting pack to add into the KKMC roster. This seems like a pack that many people would be interesting...
  2. Xander_Vanguard

    Age of Engineering 1.1.1c (1.10.2) RF to EU Conversion Disabled?

    Recently did some testing on an SP world to figure out if RF to EU conversion was possible early game. While doing some testing, I found that you could use the calculator mod with IC2 to convert RF. Being excited about this, I logged onto the server and replicated step by step and item for item...
  3. Xander_Vanguard

    Modpack Suggestion

    I was wondering if there was any talk about the new Invasion Modpack by Darkosto? it is on the curse launcher. Not sure how it would work in a mass server setting since it is a HQM pack where the difficulty is suppose to get harder ever 8 minecraft days