justin burke griefed on Direwolf 1.12

justin burke

Dec 26, 2016
Member Name
justin burke

Direwolf 1.12

Minecraft Username


What did they do?
banned me for a week when i wasnt even on the server. I recieved a ban for 2 days then got an extra week for no reason.

Who do you live with/trust?
no one

justin burke

Dec 26, 2016
This all happened one day though, I still see in your rules that stealing and griefing has a 2-3 day ban then more for more days. All being in one day does not explain the extension. Also, quick question, anything that is not claimed is fair game? If i break a grass block in the middle of nowhere or break a chest one block out of someones claim, it should be the same thing. Thats why you guys have implemented plot making into your server, otherwise it would be user/player based. anything a player crafts would be protected and or holds.


Oct 4, 2017
Also, quick question, anything that is not claimed is fair game? If i break a grass block in the middle of nowhere or break a chest one block out of someones claim, it should be the same thing.
Unless you're mentally deficient, which appears to not be the case, you know those are two distinctly different situations.
Furthermore, it appears that you forgot to read the rules, despite what you claim.
  • Destruction of another player's property is grief. You will be permbanned if you grief. ... If something belongs to another player, you should not grief/loot it whether it is claimed or not.
  • Do not steal from anyone.
Looking at the logs, the majority of things you broke weren't natural blocks. It was obvious that someone had made and placed them, and either forgotten to claim them or didn't fully understand the claim system. Instead of helping, you took advantage of that.
It's true that they should have kept up with their claim setup, but more of the fault lies with you as you broke and stole what was obviously someone else's property.

Even ignoring the clearly-stated rules above, knowing the difference between right and wrong isn't something that's specifically spelled out, because they're incredibly basic concepts that everyone can be expected to grasp by 2 or 3 years of age. Anything unclaimed at the edge of someone's base isn't fair game; theft is universally known as a criminal action.
You ran up to someone's base, I'm assuming felt around for the edge of their claim, and started taking what wasn't protected. Twice in the same day, because apparently just having one set of items that you didn't have to bother crafting wasn't enough.
That is wrong, you knew it was wrong going into it the first time let alone the second - feel free to let us know if you stole from additional bases, so we can get all of this out of the way now - and you're being punished for it.

Frankly, you should be happy with only receiving a week. As the first rule above clearly states, griefing is a permaban offense; you were shown some lenience. Were I you, I would accept the punishment gracefully and learn from the experience, rather than continuing to argue about it.

justin burke

Dec 26, 2016
I do appreciate the way everyone has gone about this and I did not want this to seem like i was arguing. I wanted the rule to be layed out obviously on the table and you just did that. like I said I appreciate this and it wont happen again.